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Users can visit the website for free, without having to provide any personal data about themselves, however, to purchase the products/services on the website, as well as to download free materials or to subscribe to the newsletter, it is also necessary to provide personal data.


Data manager: Imre Balogh, sole proprietor. Address: Budapest Szélmalom utca 50/A. 1181 Hungary
Tax number: 59508098-1-43

The domain owner handles the personal data provided by the Users according to the following conditions: 




To subscribe to the newsletter and to download our free materials, you need to enter your name and email address. In the case of purchases on the website, the following personal data must be provided when ordering: surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, billing address (name, tax number, postal code, town, street, house number).




When downloading free materials and studies, the purpose of data management is:


1. Sending and completing the free materials and studies,

2. Maintaining contact with the User, providing him/her with adequate information, and in order to effectively and quickly deal with any technical problems that may arise


When ordering products/services, the purpose of data management is:


1. Fulfillment of orders, subsequent proof of order conditions,

2. Maintaining contact with the User, providing him/her with adequate information, and in order to effectively and quickly deal with any technical problems that may arise


When subscribing to a newsletter:


1. Recommending the Data Controller's service or other service provider's related services to Users by contacting them via email,

2. newsletters, display of personalized offers, information about the new appearance of other, potentially paid content, also via email.


The personal data provided by the User is managed by the Data Controller and used exclusively for the purposes indicated above. The Data Controller manages personal data as long as the purpose of data management exists, so primarily during the validity of the registration on the website, and until the User requests the deletion of his data, he does not withdraw his consent.


2. Collection of other information uses automatic data collection tools and techniques, such as cookies and clickstream data.


IP address

The Internet addresses and IP addresses of the computers on the website are logged in order to record the User's visit. The Data Controller analyzes this data and prepares statistics, for example to determine which part of the website is visited by Users and how much time they spend there.



On some of our pages, we use a technology called "cookies" in order to serve our visitors more efficiently when they buy a product on our pages, request more information about our company, products or services, or browse various informational materials published on our pages. A cookie is a text fragment that is placed on the hard drive of the user's computer when certain websites are visited.



Some of our pages may collect information about the "clicks" of our customers (clickstream/click data) when they visit our Pages. The click data includes the page from which the visitor came, the route of his navigation, and the areas he visited on our pages. From time to time, we track this information both within and outside of our Sites. In addition, from time to time we may track click data and match it with personal information you provide to us in order to offer content and other offers, i.e. products and services that enhance your customer experience.




Data management is based on voluntary consent, which Users give when placing an order or subscribing to the newsletter.

Users can only provide their own personal data on the website. If they do not provide their own personal data, the data provider is obliged to obtain the consent of the data subject.




The Data Controller and the Data Processor(s) it may use are entitled to access personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation. The Data Controller is not entitled to release any of the Users' data to third parties, but is entitled to inform registered Users of other, related services in the form of electronic mail.




The Data Controller guarantees that data management is always carried out in accordance with applicable legislation. At the request of the User, the Data Controller shall provide information at any time in writing (via e-mail) within 30 calendar days of the receipt of this type of request about the personal data it handles, the purpose and legal basis of the data processing, the name and address of the data processor, the duration of the data processing, and the data processing related activities.

The user has the right to modify the data entered during registration or currently managed at any time, or to request the correction of personal data (marking the correct data). This type of request can be received by the User in writing (sent via e-mail to the e-mail address The Data Controller shall immediately make the correction in its records and notify the User in writing of its occurrence.

In addition to the above, the User can unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time via the link to the Unsubscribe page at the bottom of the letters, by opening the Unsubscribe page and pressing the unsubscribe button there.

In addition to the above, the User may at any time request the deletion of their data - in part or in whole - also in writing, via e-mail sent to the e-mail address

Upon receipt of the deletion request, the Data Controller is obliged to immediately take care of the termination of the data management - along with the deletion of the User's registration - and delete the user and his/her data from its records.

In order to modify or delete the data, the Data Controller has the right to request a certificate suitable for personal identification, for identification purposes, or to request that the User request the data modification from the e-mail address(es) provided during registration.


The User may object to the processing of his personal data:


a) if the processing or transmission of personal data is necessary solely for the fulfillment of the legal obligation of the data controller or for the enforcement of the legitimate interests of the data controller, data receiver or third party, except in the case of mandatory data processing;

b) if personal data is used or forwarded for the purpose of direct business acquisition, public opinion polls or scientific research; as well as

c) in other cases defined by law.


The Data Controller examines the objection as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after the submission of the request, makes a decision on its merits, and informs the applicant of its decision in writing. If the Data Controller determines that the objection of the data subject is well-founded, it will terminate the data management - including further data collection and transmission - and block the data, as well as notify all those to whom the personal data affected by the objection was previously transmitted about the objection and the measures taken based on it, and who are obliged to take measures to enforce the right to protest.

If the User does not agree with the Data Controller's decision, or if the Data Controller misses the deadline, the User may apply to court within 30 days from the notification of the decision or the last day of the deadline.

In the event of an alleged violation of personal data, the claim of the party whose rights have been violated is provided for in Article CXII of 2011 on freedom of information. TV. according to its governing provisions, it can be enforced in a court with jurisdiction and competence, or it can be appealed to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority.




The data controller undertakes to take care of the security of the data, to take the technical and organizational measures and to establish the procedural rules that ensure that the recorded, stored and managed data are protected, as well as to prevent their destruction, unauthorized use and unauthorized change.

The data manager ensures that unauthorized persons cannot access, disclose, forward, modify or delete the processed data. The managed data can only be seen by the relevant employees of the Data Manager, and the Data Manager will not pass them on to third parties who do not have the right to access the data.

The data manager does everything expected of him to ensure that the data is not accidentally damaged or destroyed. The above commitment is also required by the Data Controller for its employees participating in data management activities.

Under no circumstances does the Data Controller collect special data, i.e. data related to racial origin, belonging to a national and ethnic minority, political opinion or party affiliation, religious or other worldview beliefs, membership of interest representation organizations, health status, pathological passion, they relate to sexual life and criminal record.




This Data Management Statement is valid together with the General Terms and Conditions. If any point of this Data Management Statement is or becomes invalid, this does not affect the invalidity of the other points of this statement.


The Data Controller reserves the right to unilaterally modify this Data Management Statement with prior notification to the Users. By using the service after the amendment takes effect, the User accepts the amended information.


This Data Management Statement is governed by Hungarian law, especially CXII of 2011 on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information. the provisions of the law are governing.

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